Friday, May 6, 2011

Wearable Tech: Presentation day

Today was presentation day. There were definitely some favourites of mine that other people presented. I'll start with them first.

The ones that REALLY stood out to me was Jenny's musical skeleton. I loved the sounds that came out of it, it was all twinkly. I quite liked the idea of it along with the puppeteer meaning behind it.

The other one is Corey's giant dental helmet thing--I don't know what they're called. I really liked that one because it had this amazing 3D interactive space in the patch so when you tilt your head it looks like you're traveling through the space. I liked how it was like the game marco polo when the person is blinded and has to find people with their voices. It's a bit like that only that the people are guiding you to a specific point in the space.

I noticed that lots of people didn't present though and most people weren't really finished yet. I wasn't finished yet either with the patch even though the actual device was made.

I'm proud that I presented anyway instead of hiding away, but I'm still very very disappointed in myself because I didn't meet the deadline and I know that I could have done better if I had not fallen to procrastination. I won't blame anyone but myself because it really was my fault. I still need to finish the patch, but I won't update on that on the blog since it's a policy of mine that if the deadline has ended there will be no further updates on the project unless it's a reflective statement or evaluation.

I'm determined not to procrastinate for the next project. I want to sleep and I want to make free time, to do that I MUST stop procrastinating. Before when I didn't procrastinate everything was fine. But now it's a real problem. I'm on top of intro to creative technology with the journals and all, but with programming for creativity it's a completely different story. I'm so behind on exercises it's no longer a laughing matter. I refuse to lose sleep over this and I refuse to give up and fail, therefore I will work hard trying to finish those exercises as best I can.

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