Friday, May 27, 2011

In the City: Output inspiration

Spirographs got ditched again for output ideas because we couldn't find a conceptual meaning for it and we felt that it didn't represent audio well enough. So we went around on YouTube to look for inspiration. I'm hoping to find a beautifully simple solution that's really unique when you repeat each instance of simplicity like in fractals.

Below are some ideas that might inspire us. These are more to do with the vibration of audio directly affecting its physical surroundings. Output can be physical:

Fluid and speakers:

The one above is my favourite one out of the lot. We're thinking that the vibrations affecting something in the environment directly would be absolutely amazing. Here is a fluid speaker made by an artist. More information in the YouTube description. This fluid speaker was put in a room full of people and according to the people's speech the movements of the water would change after the speech has been converted into a suitable frequency to cause water to move in that way. This is human speech seen in the physical form. When applied to our project, that would be the physical form of radiowaves and communication. However, the problem would be getting the right kind of vibration with our speakers to reproduce the same effect.

Light weight particles and speakers, such as rice:

Light with speakers:

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