Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wearable Tech: Adding the sound to the patch

Got the transitions between standoff scene and pictures sorted out with all keys attached. All there's left to do now is figuring out how to attach fullscreen and audio to the patch. I got Sam D's patch, which I thought was cool because it makes annoying noises that give you headaches after a while. So I'll probably build my audio on that with some adjustments. Later Tom also had some cool audio stuff as well so I wrote down what his patch was like. I think I'll use a combination of their patches, Sam D's one sounds really cool but I don't want to use the matrix because you can't start/stop the sound with keys, but with Tom's one you can easily do that.

For the audio I did some looking around on what else I could do. So I looked at all the audio objects in MAX/MSP to see if I'd need them. I don't need most of them because they couldn't do what I want to do, which is to start/stop audio with keys. In the end I found one that could to that, which was the dac~ object. You just need to add a bang toggle to it so that it starts/stops whenever a key is pressed.

The zip switches are all finished now. This is the connector, which is different to the original design. I'll explain further why it was changed in the journal.

And these are the spring switches. They worked quite well, though I think more can be improved.

It's important to plan, but a plan is never followed perfectly because there will always be unforeseen circumstances. Don't ever expect the end product to come out how you planned it to be. On the bright side it means that you learn more about working, being flexible and thinking of different solutions easily around obstacles you come across more readily.

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