Tuesday, May 24, 2011

In the City: Finished CAD and drawing

This is what the entire box looks like when it's fully assembled. I rendered it in glass so that you can see the hollow and sides properly.

The drawing for it is finished as well and was handed in yesterday morning. The design got approved but some changes had to be made to make the drawing easier to understand. So today I made an improved drawing of it, which I figured out how to do. It turns out that you can right click and show all the hidden edges. Which means I can now have the hollow, holes, and length of screws shown in every drawing so that it's easier to understand.

The making of the CAD went surprisingly well. I think it's because I practiced quite a bit on SolidWorks to get used to the program and learn its tools first before making the real thing. I find this useful, it's like in the previous project where I practiced soldering for a long time to get it right the first time.

So far we're doing pretty well, just need to get fabrication up and running so that we can collect our data on time. This project is great too with very distinct roles, this makes the workload much easier to handle compared to previous projects. Especially since so many things are due all at the same time before the end of the semester.

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