Wednesday, May 18, 2011

In the City: Designing the box and electrical bits

Did some testing to understand the geometry in origami for tato boxes, which can collapse to small sizes and close the top very quickly depending on the type of box, to see if we can apply that geometry into our design. I looked at origami diagrams like the one below to get an idea of what the geometry is like, then made my own versions/collections of folds (above) to test them out. The results are above, which will be included in my journal also.

But in the end we decided that applied rigid geometry would push our costs up because it would require a vast amount of hinges to get the fold right for each panel of wood or metal. Also, it is highly likely that the angles would be off and we would have to remake the entire box all over again if that happens because the geometry's precision in measurement and position are very important to get the shape right. So we're opting for a simpler box design.

Tom did his own experimenting too with the electrical parts that we're using. We made a lot of progress today. I want to get the measurements and design decided by the end of tomorrow so that I can get right into CAD work. Hopefully, because I probably won't be able to work on it in the weekend since I'll be doing 48hr film.

I think the progress we're making is fantastic, from here it looks like things will fall into place provided that we keep this pace going. I don't know why, but it's a whole lot less stressful than I thought it would be.

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