Thursday, May 19, 2011

In the City: Practicing with SolidWorks

Did a bit of practicing on SolidWorks to become more accustomed to how things work in the program. We don't have a definite design yet so I made a simple box to practice on. This is the end result.

The huge hole at the bottom is for the button and the collection of holes at the top is the part where the sound comes out and the place that you can speak into to use the crossing phone box. I wanted to make the listening/speaking holes more interesting so that the design doesn't look so serious that people might not want to interact with the box to activate the device inside.

Will still need to work out how to make screws, the design and measurements to get on with the real drawing. This practice helped a lot to understand the program though, like when I practiced soldering heaps to get it right and get comfortable with doing it.

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