Friday, May 20, 2011

In the City: Making the actual CAD

How to make a screw:

How to make easy screw holes:

Screw mates:

I finished the lid and the case, just needed screws. I was halfway through completing a practice screw when Ben tells me that there's preset screws when you get into assembly. Good thing he did! Because that would save up on a lot of time since making your own screws takes a while to finish and get right especially since I'm new to this. So I'm going to keep it simple, I'll add in the holes, but use the screws and things in assembly. Will need to figure out how to do that.

This was the screw I was half-way through making when helpful classmates said that it's ok not to make screws as long as the drawing is really clear with where everything goes along with the sizes. So I was rather relieved because this took a long time to make, the helix was fun to make though.

This is the case of our box that I made, the bottom is the lid. For the snowflake pattern for the listening/speaking holes I couldn't get the dimensions to show up. That's fine though, because we can laser cut that and draw the pattern on another surface to get the positions and sizes right, then reattach it to the main body.

Next is adding in screws to pull everything together in assembly.

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