Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In the City: Circuitry

My job in doing CAD is finished, so from now I'll be doing whatever is needed of me. So unless anyone else needs help I'll probably catch up on work from other papers and document anything important that happens in our progress.

Anyway, our progress pace is still going pretty well. Tom did the circuitry we needed for our transmitters and receivers.

I don't understand what most of the parts do unless it's really obvious such as:

-Huge black circles = the bit where what you're saying comes out

-Little circles = changes the channel you're on, so you'd want a blank channel to use and not a channel for a particular radio station

-Tiny silver cylinder on yellow part = the place where you speak into

Also, since the CAD drawing got approved yesterday Emile and Tom started fabricating as soon as they could. So far we've got the all four lids and two of the cases (but still need to make the curved back and need two more). Holes will need to be drilled in for buttons and listening/speaking holes and need to figure out how to make it aesthetically when we're done making it.

To be honest, now that my CAD job is finished, I'm a little lost on what I should do and feel a little useless because I have nothing to do. Hopefully my teammates would have things for me to help them with because I really don't want to bum around and do nothing. So maybe I'll help with some fabrication and anything else that I can do. In the holidays I want to practice some more programming somehow, so that in future groups I can help with programming too. It's an area that I'm really weak with so I want to build that up to make my value as a team member become greater as there is a shortage of programmers in the class.

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