Friday, May 27, 2011

In the City: Developments

The idea for the interaction device is developing. Now that the cases are being made, at the same time we're trying to figure out and decide what to do with the output. The programming is underway, just need to find a way to express that data in a meaningful way. At the moment, we're thinking of translating that data into spirographs. But more thinking will be needed to get an interpretation that feels right for the group.

From this project it seems like we're struggling with being conceptual and experimental. I think it's probably a mixture of trying to find something that we can work within the deadline and maybe it's the way most of us were taught to think in school that's preventing up from thinking conceptually. However, I'm sure that this would change in due time, because it is possible to change the way you think by changing your mindset. Also, enough determination can make anyone do anything. I think once we get used to thinking conceptually and do that more, it will become second nature. It's like when you start off making art. You know it's going to be crap art unless you keep going with it and improve over time.

Anyway, the button holes for the cases have been cut, from what I saw when I came in this morning. One of the edges haven't been smoothed out yet, I'm assuming Tom and Emile are going to go back and smooth them out today.

I also see that they've grinded down the edges too. I think after this, they will then get on with the back of the case, which is to give it a rounded curve at the back to make the cases fit on to the pole snugly.

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