Thursday, March 24, 2011


ARGH, I had this blog entry all written up yesterday but then it didn't post and I lost everything I wrote D:

Alright, so I'll just retype what I remember typing yesterday in this entry.

I'll write about the two editing exercises we did first and then our first day doing our official film project.

Editing exercise 1

30 seconds

In this exercise we were given a bunch of clips and audio to make a 30second film out of and we were supposed to be creative about which shots we put together and how we added the audio.

My one was about a boy waiting for his dad to come fly kites with him. His dad is driving on the road to go see him, in his rush to get there he begins to speed and eventually dies in flaming car crash.

The story was really clear, but I think it could be better. The limitation with the clips we got was that sometimes you don't have the perfect clip to go with everything. It was fun though, I think the audio could definitely be better. The "preview" voice was super annoying. Final Cut Pro was alright, I didn't like how the in-points and out-points were magnetic though, which meant that sometimes you couldn't cut your shots exactly where you want them to.

Editing exercise 2

Wizard of Oz

We got the full movie of The Wizard of Oz, and we had to re-edit it to fit the genre we picked out of a hat. I got black comedy, which is when you have sarcastic humour on subjects like death. I wasn't very motivated at all for this exercise so I admit that I didn't put a lot of effort into it and I don't intend to go back and redo this exercise as I see no point in doing so. To be totally honest I hated this exercise though I'm not sure why I hated it. DVD Studio Pro is confusing too, have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing with it. Luckily this morning I got somebody to help me out with it so now I think I'm alright with using it to make a DVD.


All in caps because THE ULTIMATE TEAM was just that great. There was confusion in getting the class sorted into groups because sorting ourselves into genres made absolutely no sense as the genres weren't evenly distributed. Luckily for me I was one of the leftovers out of 10 groupless people.

Since the 10 were confused anyway and were super indecisive about how to separate themselves into groups I took my chance and hand picked my own group. IT WAS THE PERFECT GROUP BECAUSE I CHOSE THEM ALL BASED ON THEIR WILLINGNESS TO WORK, THINKING STYLES, STRENGTHS, AND SENSE OF TIME.

It was going to be perfect and everybody knew it. So we were optimistic about this project because we had the perfect people for every role.

BUT one of our precious members was taken away to work with another group D: That was just horrible. Now my wonderful team isn't perfect anymore because an important member was taken away.

Despite that we made a lot of progress. We had a plotline going and had our basic concept sorted out to match our genre and fairytale which were western and Three Little Pigs. Since we're progressing quite well, I strongly believe that I have chosen my members well.

For higher chances of creating the best project in the world you should have a wonderful group. To have a wonderful group you must have wonderful people. You need to pick out wonderful people so don't wait for people to group themselves, take advantage of the few minutes of indecision and grab the people you want.

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