Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Interesting NXT robots I found

Mahahahahaha, I like this one because it's useful. No longer will unflushed toilets be a problem at home!! Yes, I actually have that problem at home with my family, it's blargh because it's unhygienic obviously. D:

Scorpion robots are one of my favourites too. I have a thing for man-made insects. They look really creepy and weird but you feel safe with them because you know for sure that they can't hurt you. This scorpion robot in the link is an NXT one. Its stinger would've made a wonderful doorknocker for our current NXT robot project where we're supposed to either make the robot knock on Pat's door or ask her a question.

The next two aren't NXT ones, but I'm putting them here anyway because I think they're wonderful.

A mechanical spider. I like it because it moves like one and it has a steampunk look. It looks a bit scary too because it has pointy bits everywhere. If it were smaller and there were loads of them they'd be wonderful for Halloween.

Robot fishes at Essex University. They move so smoothly and beautifully even though their movements aren't exactly like fish. These would be wonderful if they looked more realistic, then we can take them down to explore the oceans.

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