Thursday, March 24, 2011

Western Pigs: Final plot + Making it happen

Today after watching clips of some examples of western movies we revised our entire plot and came up with a completely different one. Our previous plot was far too complex and there would be no way to fit that into 6mins because there's so many details in the interconnected relationships between the characters and shots in western movies tend to be rather long to build up tension and show silent contact between eyes. So we simplified the plot into a circular structure throwing the audience right into the climax after a quick intro of the characters. Then flashbacks between the last two standing in the standoff revealing what happened in the past then returning right back to the standoff and progressing to the ending. I like this structure better because it's not so predictable and makes the film more interesting because you want to know what happened.

As a result of this change character profiles had to be adapted for the story to make sense.

In the old plot the three pigs were corrupt sheriffs. In the new one they're now outlaws and criminals that nobody dares to speak up against because they're so dangerous.

Wolf's character stayed the same as the shadowy, lone wolf character who watches over the town.

Work on the storyboard has begun. With that I can start drawing up the backdrop, because that's my particular role. I'll be drawing backdrops for the green screen scenes. We're aiming to get the storyboard finished by Tuesday so that we can start filming straight away.

Scriptwriting has begun also. Each member will be writing their own dialogue in the standoff scene and the flashbacks where the ONLY dialogue in the whole film occurs. There's not a lot of dialogue in western films, only in really important moments. Then we will be piecing the best parts of each members' individual script into one fantastic whole.

In this group I really like how the work is all evenly distributed. I think we're just lucky to have one person who's good in at least one area that's different to everyone else so each member is specialised and that lets everyone worry less because nobody needs to fill in two roles at the same time.

Also, we had a group blog made so that members can communicate any new ideas and concerns that pop up when they're apart from each other.

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