Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3D lab and decisions

Today we had a mini trial with the mock up of the paint pyramid. Our little container for the paint wasn't that great because it was a thin cylindrical shape which wouldn't work with our pyramid because if we used those it would take a LOT of tilt to get a little bit of paint out.

Another group member and I went to the 3D labs to go make the real one. Originally, our group wanted it to be twice the size of the mock up. But that would put too much strain at the top so we decided to made it only around 11cm bigger than the mock up.

I've never made anything like this before so I'm pretty proud of what we made.

Two of our group members got meningitis and wouldn't be in uni for quite some time. So we had to make decisions without them. One group member panicked because he was afraid of making the wrong decision so he tried to get out of making a group decision. I'm glad he told us that he was scared, or else we'll never know and there will be misunderstandings between group members. In the end, he came through and made a solid decision and went through with it. We're rather proud of him. Things should keep on going regardless of who is absent. When group members aren't here, it's up to the existing group members to make decisions and then explain what happened when the absent members return.

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