Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Western Pigs: Filming Day-At Farm pt 2

The Straw Pig putting on his fake blood. The end result looked surprisingly convincing on camera once we got his positions of the limbs and expressions right.

A random photo of Straw Pig looking heroic, which is good because for most of the filming he's going to be dead anyway. XD

That's the Brick Pig. We got all actors except for Straw Pig to rub dirt in their face for an authentic rugged Western look.

One important thing we had to look out for in filming today was continuity errors and how to avoid making them. This was especially important because we decided not to film everything in chronological order because it would waste a lot of time resetting the position of the cameras, angles, and tripod. But that meant we had to remember exactly where everything was. Another important time was when we shot a bit of the film after lunch break. By then the shadows of the trees have moved, so we had to work around that too to make sure the error wasn't so large that it was blatantly obvious. Overall, I think we did great today because we got a variety of shots to work with and definitely had every shot we needed. Tomorrow it would be straight into editing what we have now and planning Friday's shoot with the greenscreen. We'll also have to think about backdrops for the greenscreen scenes.

I like this group, it's so organised and onto everything.

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