Monday, March 28, 2011

Western Pigs: Filming prep

Today we finished up our script and storyboarding. Then we went to get our props ready for tomorrow's filming day. We made a list and I'm pretty sure we got everything for tomorrow. Not much happened today so it's going to be a really short blog entry.

The plan for tomorrow is that we go straight to the location and all we'll be doing tomorrow is filming. Then we go back home. We'll be filming the long standoff scene with the three pigs and wolf.

I think we're doing pretty well. Everything is going according to the schedule. We have to have everything go right tomorrow because time is important. Even though we're ahead of most groups, we're actually a bit behind on time as well. If we film any later than tomorrow it is unlikely that our project would be finished on time. I think what a lot of people don't realise is that filming really takes a lot of time, it is a long process. A thing I learnt in every project so far is the importance of getting an idea together quickly, clarifying and establishing it then really get into working on the project as soon as possible so that you can experiment early and develop your idea further into the end product. Time is probably most important factor, never underestimate your deadline. Control time or it will control you.

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