Thursday, March 10, 2011

Robot finals

We had another robot presentation this morning for the robots we were supposed to make that go up to Pat's door and knock on it or ask her a question. Most people somehow programmed theirs to follow a white line. I think it was with either a colour sensor or a light sensor. I should ask someone how they did it because I want to know. However, I wish more people did something more interesting than following a white line or simply programming the exact pathway into the robot though. Some people did something different and failed but I think it's ok to fail. And I'm not saying this just because my group did something different and failed by the way XD I don't understand why people are so ashamed of failing. We all know that none of us are going to program a super awesome NXT robot that does everything absolutely perfectly while simultaneously shooting lasers with blades on the side smashing up other robots in just two days. So WHAT if you fail? Without failure there can be no success. If you're afraid of failure then technically you're afraid of trying, too.

I can't remember its name but I love it when its little glow stick thing shoots out. It's just really entertaining.

This is the Archer. So far, in every one of its stages from robot 1 to robot 2, the Archer has always been my favourite. I think it was the only robot that didn't need human intervention at all to put it on the right track. The best part was when it launches its tiny arrow at the door *BAP!!* My favourite <3

And this is my group's robot of failure. The idea was cool though. The idea was that when it sees a yellow post-it note it turns. But our wheels were off making its pathway curvy or randomly doing it straight making it rather inconsistent with its movements. Our angles were also inconsistent every time we took it for a test run. Sometimes there's a fabulous idea that works in theory but may not work in reality. I love it when it bashes against the wall repeatedly, which was our knocking action. It's just really fun and cute watching it do that.

Then we had another robot fight. I voted for the Archer obviously, but it lost to another robot. Watching robots fighting is really fun but then I wondered if we were sick for enjoying that. Why is it ok to get robots to fight for entertainment but it's not ok when you get humans to kill each other for entertainment? Probably because they have no emotion, feel no pain, and are not living, sentient beings. If we made humanoid robots so realistic with sophisticated AI to match so that they're nearly indistinguishable to real humans I wonder what would happen. Humans would probably get attached to some robots, some would probably slip into the uncanny valley and hate them with a passion. Then some would want laws to change so that robots are granted human rights.

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