Thursday, April 7, 2011

Western Pigs: Printing+DVD

Today was pretty exciting, we got a lot of our stuff printed. It feels really good when you work hard for something and then you see it really become real when you print it or put it on screen.

We printed the DVD cover, but the darker type didn't turn out so well. So tomorrow we'll be doing that again, adjusting the colours and adding some extra graphics at the back, as the back of the DVD cover looks quite plain, since we'll be printing it again anyway.

The poster turned out great though. I think the colours could be a little more vivid, but other than that I'm pleased with how it printed.

This is the DVD cover. I will be putting some stills from the movie on the back, a bit like how you sometimes have stills at the back for some DVDs.

And this is our DVD menu. Opted to keep it simple so that the screen won't be cluttered. It may be a bit repetitive using the same images though.
This is the DVD label. I made another mistake with this. The first time I got the dimensions wrong. Luckily, I hadn't gone very far with the first one yet, so it wasn't so bad when I started over with the correct dimensions. Moral of the story: don't trust online templates unless you're sure that the dimensions are the same as the ones you require.

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