Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wearable Tech: Buying materials

Went shopping for materials today. A few days ago I went to LookSharp to have a look at their fabrics, because I thought their materials would probably be a lot cheaper than anywhere else. However, they didn't have faux fur or a suitable material for making hoodies. So today I went to Spotlight to look for materials because they always have variety in fabrics and everything I need would be right there. Super expensive though, because it's Spotlight.

I bought faux fur and I think the other one is felt or something like it.

For the faux fur, there was this other really handsome looking one that was black with caramel highlights. But I didn't like the texture for that one, it was a little too coarse and the hairs were too long, which might get caught in the zipper. So I bought this one. It feels really smooth and soft--very touchable, and the hairs are much shorter than the other one which makes it easier to work with as well.

This is the other fabric. Was trying to get a black one, but the black one was too thin, I think if it's too thing the wiring might weigh it down too much. So I got this thicker one with a nice tan colour. I think the colours of both fabrics make it look safe and warm when really the person will probably have a scary experience* with the interactive.

I got the zipper for it too. 30cm to be safe.

*The brief didn't specifically say that it had to be a "good" experience. =D

Also got very thin wires to easier soldering onto the terminals and tiny chocolate blocks to wire everything up. What's left to buy would be LEDs if I'm still going to go with that idea.

Originally planned the garment to be black, but plans are rarely followed 100% because there are many factors that you can't plan. Which is why it's important to be flexible and adjust/change throughout the process.

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