Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wearable Tech: Ideas-Adding details to the brief

By the end of this week I MUST have a clear idea of what I'm doing, maybe not a final design, because I'm sure I'll run into problems when I attempt to create it and will need to readjust the design. However, it is imperative that I know what direction I'm going in to set the road to the deadline and to make this project the absolute best I can do. I see this project as an opportunity to advertise myself and what I can do, to convince other students that they want me in their group and to prove to myself that I can do anything.

I redefined the brief into three areas of thinking:

-my interpretation of what the brief is saying
-what the brief wants
-what I want

Interpretation: To create an experience that reflects a theme/s of your movie with both on-screen content and the wearable device. I.e. It needs to induce a type of atmosphere.

What the brief wants: A wearable device which interacts with the screen. Can only use keyboard and/or mouse hack. Must use MAX program. Relationship between device and screen must be clear. Some additional restrictions are no gloves, no handheld items, and would be best not to have multiple keys down at the same time.

What I want: A fashionable device that's easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Must look good on both guys and girls. I think the fashionable bit is important because how the device looks can contribute to the atmosphere of the experience. Has to be easy to use, I don't want the person to stand there forever trying to figure out how to use the device. I want the atmosphere/experience to emulate feelings of violence, hate, anger, desire for revenge---every ugly feeling. This is because I think these are key emotions that characters in my film feel.

Now I can simplify it into a simple, easy-to-understand package:

If you have trouble getting ideas it is a good idea to translate the brief into something that you understand. Extract what you already understand from it, then piece it together to make a brief of your own while still fulfilling what absolutely must be done in the project.

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