Today I finished up the pattern I'll be using for the garment. While making it I had to think about how everything would be wired up on the inside as well so some of the edges had to be adjusted to suit the wiring. Hopefully when I sew the wiring in it would be fine. To make the hood patter, I got some of my hoodies and looked at them to learn how to make a pattern for it. Luckily it turns out it's not that hard to get the basic shape. Since the body is rather simple, the pattern making was a lot easier for me too considering that I've never actually made clothes before. I think this will be fun to make, since I'll get to try new things a lot and maybe discover some new things that I might be good at.
While working procrastination was a horrible problem for me when I'm working at home. I found a really good way to stop procrastination though. Every time I feel/think about procrastinating I would turn on a nice song and make a paper rose. Folding roses is really hard and needs heaps of concentration to get it right and make the rose beautiful. So my mind would tap into the music and be totally focused on making the rose. Which means I won't be thinking of anything else but the rose. This is a variety of meditation. By the time the rose is finished I would have forgotten all about procrastinating and no longer feel like procrastinating, so I end up getting straight back to work after folding the rose.
If you find procrastination to be a problem, fix it. FIX IT QUICK BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. I find the most effective way is to just find a very short activity that you enjoy and do it. It's like a little break for the mind when you think too much about a project, over contemplate it, then don't want to do it because you over-thought it.
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