Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Networks: Contextualise

Had a talk with James and Andy about our exhibition and project in general to make sure that we're okay.

We showed them the working engine, we also took videos of the engine working in case it stops working. I don't think they were very impressed to be honest, it felt like they thought it was too simplistic and straightforward.

Other than that, there were some really good points that we haven't thought about. They pointed out that our methodology in doing our project is heavily reliant on technology. This contradicts with the point that our project is to show how heavily we rely on the power grid and technology to do our daily activities. There's a contradiction because we've used the internet extensively to learn how to make those engines and do our research. We've also used laser cutting to cut our engine parts, which is another piece of technology.

Also, we've focused so much on how to get the parts working that we've forgotten the meaning behind our project and therefore lost our compass in taking our project to the next level. Having that conceptual underpinning to give a background and greater context to our work would be best for us, so afterwards the group had a talk about what we want to say with our work.

We're still trying to show how heavily we rely on technology, and how we use technology to preserve our comfort in modern living. People want to do things the easy way because easy is comfortable. This is why people tend to rely on technology; because it's easier.

As for the style, we've decided that it's going to be like being in the workspace of a tinkerer or person who makes things. Basically, our character is going to be a person in the future where technology requiring electricity can't be accessed and he/she is trying to take back the comfort that they had before in life but without relying on electricity so much. Looking for an alternate source of power first by trying to make communications easier.

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