Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Networks: Priority on switches

We did a few more tests this morning after some adjustments and I saw that Ben has most of his parts assembled for his engine. However, the testing also failed. It was a bit better than previous tests though. It feels like the displacer wants to move, but it doesn't really make it.

My group filled me in on the advice and suggestions our tutors gave us. Julian told us to place priority on the switching and the rails. Not only because we'd have a working system even if the engines fail, but also because the switches is where things will get interesting.

Daniel gave a pretty cool suggestion where the messages are represented by 8-bit info and it is fed into an Arduino, which is then read by a computer. However, we can't do that even though that does sound interesting because the setting of our project is in a world where we can't access any form of electricity. Therefore, we can't do that.

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