Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Networks: Mini-presentations

Today we had our mini-presentations and critiques on what exactly we're doing for this term. Our tutors today were James and Clinton.

First, we showed our film that we did for last term to put this term into context. The setting of the project is the solar flare and we talked about the basics of how we're going to go about building the system.

We got some pretty good feedback, which I'm pleased about. I was especially pleased about the feedback on how my group has clearly defined roles for each member and how this is a signature of how we work as a group.

The main advice we were given was to be careful about how our work translates across to the audience. This would be affected by our choice of materials and the design of our system.

Overall, the feedback was good, just need to think about what our system might mean to other people.

So tomorrow, it would full on designing. I want the basic designs down tomorrow so that we can get to experimenting as soon as possible, preferably begin experimenting on Friday.

For tonight, we'll go our separate ways, and think up ways to make a rotating wheel that can pick up the spherical packages and put it on the track. Also, what to use for the spherical packages.

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