Thursday, May 24, 2012

Networks: Everything's Wrong

We've nearly got our stirling engines working, but they're not quite there yet. Ben and Edrian made more adjustments in how the parts are aligned. It's getting better, with the heat the displacer feels like it wants to do something when you wind it because it feels lighter than it should. However, it's still not going yet.

As for the rails, they're going terribly. Tim and I tried bending them into the right shape but the wire proved difficult to work with. Also, when we tested it out I realised that the design didn't exactly make sense. We're going to have to make changes to the design. I don't think they'd be big changes, but I do think there must be a better way to work with this wire.

Feeling pretty demotivated and mildly confused as to what to do as well. Need more sleep.

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