Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Networks: Simplification

Made all wall of nails and decided to simplify the tracks. We've decided not to add in zig-zags because they're not absolutely necessary. One reason is because we can control the incoming flow of ping pong balls with the frequency at which a ball is brought up to the track at the engines. The second is that time is running out and the making of zig-zags would be more time-consuming.

I haven't blogged about our critique marks yet. Today I'll take this opportunity, since not a lot happened.

We got a not-so-good mark and only now I realise our flaw.

With our presentation, the structure wasn't good enough in coherently communicating the meaning and ideas behind our project. Also, some of use, namely me, didn't talk much. This needs to change. We all need to be more engaging and discard our shyness. Outside of our presentation, I think my group isn't interacting with other people's ideas enough. We should really take in what other groups are trying to communicate so that we can give good critiques, which would be beneficial to both my group and the group in question. I think it would help my group and I to view our project more objectively to effectively solve our problems. These are the things we need to improve on.

There's one group that I've been watching closely. I watch them because I envy them in how well they work together and I view them as the model group. I'm not saying that every group should be just like them, I'm saying that the way they work and fit together is something that other groups can learn from by example. I've talked to one of them and he says that three of them make one programmer while the other two group members take care of the visuals and musical side of their project. I think the reason why they work well together is not only because they click and "speak the same language", but also because their skills compliment each other for the project type they've chosen. They have a nice flow that keeps them going.

In comparison, my group does work quite nicely together. I'm not sure how our current project will turn out, but I can tell you for sure that when I look at our various skill sets we're made for films. We have director material, a fine photographer who knows how to work the camera, an editor and another amazing with effects. Maybe in the future we could work projects to our advantage by leaning more towards film-related options?

Also, by talking to other people and listening to their opinions, I find that my thinking is simplistic and naive in comparison. I'll admit that my mind isn't very rich with life experience because I haven't lived very long in addition to being rather sheltered. I think I need to think and consider more in a wider range of perspectives.

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