Monday, May 7, 2012

Networks: Change of plans

Yet again, the day was rather uneventful, so there's not much to write about. We did, however, change the kind of stirling engine we're building though.

I got most of the materials we needed to build a stirling engine over the weekend. When we went through instructions though, we realised it would be more difficult and unnecessarily annoying than we thought. So we found a better, simpler design that we could use instead by the same person.

I still think we're going to run into various problems though, but as long as we keep the pace up I think we can do this in time at an acceptable standard if not better. I feel a little bit unmotivated, but I think that would be because it feels like we're not doing anything and we don't have a solid object yet. I have a feeling it would be much like the movie we did last term; none of us would feel productive until we have something done that's solid.

We've got nearly all our materials, we can source them all by tonight and have them ready. Tomorrow, I think it would be beneficial to read through the instructions to have a very clear idea of exactly what we're doing and how to do it. Highlighting would be good. We need to name all our restrictions so that we have them in our mind to adjust the designs if needed. Then one Wednesday we can get straight into making things. We'll also prepare our materials for assembly tomorrow as well.

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