Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Un-reality: Working

Individual work has begun for each section. Michelle was away sick, but she's done a great job with the perfumes. She's finished the final smell and she's got the fake decoy smells together as well. So that part of her job is finished and I'm really pleased with that because that's one solid thing done.

Edrian's aged the journal over the weekend too, but filming-wise for the short film fell apart because the planning didn't go into it and the costuming, props and locations weren't nailed down.

Today Jason got some good speakers as well. They're perfect for us because they give out a decent amount of sound and the quality isn't bad.

Tim began work on the blog as well, but we still need to sort that out because that's quite an important part.

I'm doing the digital paintings for the blog, but I don't know what exactly to paint yet since the content at the moment is uncertain. So I got practicing today, experimenting with different brushes. Below are two of the practices I did today. I painted people because I have no experience in painting people.

Originally, it was supposed to be renaissance styled digital paintings, but at the moment I'm going for a more digital look. Mostly because my painting skills aren't quite good enough to do really realistic paintings yet so I'll have to work around that. Luckily, it would still make sense with the blog because pictures in blogs illustrate the content so the style of the pictures depends on the purpose and personality of the blogger really. The blogger is a person who is interested in making links between real events and myths and legends. Seeing the relationship between them and how various legends are born from actual events of the time. So they'd be interested in history and legends. No doubt they'd have a great imagination.

We really need to get our locations, film, and ending of the game sorted though and time is getting tight. I think at this point we gotta think simple and do it as efficiently and beautifully as possible. I want it to be amazing even though at the moment it feels like most parts are at a standstill. We'll push through it and complete it as best we can.

Group dynamics notes:

As mentioned before the group was split in to sections. It worked and didn't work in some ways. It worked great for Michelle and Jason. I find that they're quite good at working in their own sections and reporting back to the group with what they've done and what to do if something needs confirmation/persmission from the group. For example, Jason made sure that the rest of the group was fine with the choice and cost of the speakers that he thinks would be good for what we need.

For Edrian and Tim however it was more difficult. Edrian was supposed to plan out the filming process and getting on to it. But the planning didn't happen and various circumstances prevented the filming from happening due to props and costumes not being ready and a good location hasn't been decided on yet either. It feels really unstable with the short film at the moment. Nothing's really solid. That has to be fixed.

For Tim, the blogging is a little halted because a lot of the content is dependent on what happens with the other media objects and how that would fit in to the plot. So tomorrow that will have to be sorted out.

As a result, my paintings have to be put on hold because they are dependent on blog content. As for journal content I can write up the content in the simplest form and Edrian can then add whatever he thinks is necessary to the frame I give him. I would have to add notes on the side as well to make sure that whatever he adds fits in with what happens in the game.

At the moment the group feels like scattered sand. Will need to rebuild a supporting core to keep group morale and productivity up.

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