Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Un-reality: Away

Most of the group was away today, so I continued practicing and experimenting with paintings. This time I used 100% opacity with a hard round brush and then a grainy rectangular brush for the more blended strokes. I like this one more than sticking to round brush the whole way through because it looks more like a painting than failed realism. This fits an approach to making art that I learned earlier this year; Stylise what you can't do.

So these are the two paintings that I did. Since other group members were away I was worried that all production would be at a standstill. I knew that the journal probably isn't going to sort itself out so I spent some time thinking through it.

At first we were going to use an existing famous perfumer's name as the perfumer who wrote the journal. But that seemed disrespectful, especially because they were dead and if anybody else saw the content without knowing that it's a game we could run in to problems. In the end it was decided that we should make up a fictional perfumer all together so that when Googled our content would be the ONLY content to come up. Thus, our content would not be missed by the players.

I wrote up the fictional perfumer's history and the letter he writes to the reader at the beginning of the journal. Now that we have a good story along with a solid character now, things should get easier from this point onwards in terms of production. I still need to write up the rest of the content of the journal though. The content is dependent on locations for ease of creating clues, so we have to sort that out.

Group dynamics:

Even though the majority of the group was away I'm glad that communication was still working between members. This is a great thing because it means that ideas can still develop and even though things would be really slow in terms of production it's better than having no productivity at all.

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