Going with my best idea, which is the origami box, for developments in to a final folding pattern I would have to learn the mathematics behind them in order to modify and create my own crease pattern for the box.
Before I jump in to that though I'll explain why origami box is the best idea for me.
In the previous project the concept was human presence and sustainability. I went more for the sustainability part and how our installation was made. We constructed it using trash and various found objects, including the wood which was also trash.
I also thought about wastage of materials in choosing the origami box. If you go around the supermarket and just pick a random box of product, I can tell you that to me it is an annoying stupid design. What's the point in having a box when it's annoying to open because the flaps sometimes rip and because after you open it you still need a rubber band to close it shut anyway? Also, the inconvenient design also wastes a lot of the material it's using because some bits aren't even functional.
If you're going to use more material I think every part should serve a purpose. This is why origami is a great idea. It minimises wastage of material because every area has a use so it is not wasted.
I could also use found materials to make it as well, which would relate back to how my group and I made our previous project. At first I was thinking of making my own special paper to use, that's a maybe. At the moment the material I'm most likely to use is stiffened fabric.
A key issue in sustainability is things lasting for a long time. I want that to be the same for my design. I don't want the packaging to be completely worthless after people simply stop using CDs. Thus, I want the packaging to have multiple uses besides storing CDs so that it can still be useful after CDs fall into disuse.
Now back to crease patterns in development. As I said before I'll have to use existing crease patterns as a base to begin my own modifications. These are the designs which I will learn from, which I folded today.
I made three categories of the designs I chose to study. They're pleated, helixes, and S-curves.
I chose a selection of pleated designs to do developments on because as the name implies, in pleated models you have the pleating of paper. This pleating joins up where the box closes with radial geometry and gives the self-locking property I'm after. Meaning that it can stay closed by itself.
Helixes are really amazing. The reason I chose some helixes is because they can collapse and expand according to their own helix structure. This allows for the model to fit anywhere depending on the size. I was also thinking that if I put slots into a helix structure I could put in multiple CDs and can later use them to hold other flat objects like people's contact cards.
S-curves are beautiful and elegant. They're also surprisingly simple to achieve. What happens with S-curves is that the edges folding out are actually straight believe it or not. The edges folding in are curved, and when they work with the straight edges folding out, the curves warp the straight edges into the curves you see on the models below. The only exception down there is the bowl, since both the inside and outside edges are curved. That one was folded to understand how S-curves work.
For folding these paper models I got the crease patterns from Philip Chapman-Bells' blog. (Chapman-Bells, 2010) The exception is the 8-sided tato which I got from Jorge Jamarillo. (Jamarillo, 2009)
Chapman-Bells, P. (2010). The Fitful Flog. Retrieved August 30, 2011, from http://origami.oschene.com/
Jamarillo, J. (2009). Petal Box CP. Retrieved August 30, 2011, from http://www.flickr.com/photos/georigami/3193396658/
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