Tuesday, August 30, 2011

CD Packaging: Concepts

Started making concepts today. I had some in my head and I drew them down, then had a look around online for inspiration. I found that my two favourite ideas have already been done though. However, I'm not going to panic on that. Just because something's already been done doesn't mean I can't make it new and distinctly me. A lot of the time I've found that people in general when it comes to art and design are a bit obsessed with being "the first" to do something. But that's just unrealistic. And why should you be so concerned about something already done before? In my opinion, it doesn't matter whether something has been done before as long as you do it YOUR way. If you do it your way, it will naturally be different from everyone else's.

My favourite idea is using origami to create the packaging. Personally, I really hate packaging where there's excess useless bits of paper that are flipping inconvenient to open. Origami uses ALL the paper. In particular, if it's radial geometry in the specific origami design the top will "self-lock". Meaning that the flaps can lock into place by crossing over themselves according to tangents to the centre of the circle. It makes it easy to open as well. A little twist and it opens and closes easily. The design above is an example of this though it isn't purely origami up there. (wewow ltd., 2010) That one is more of a net that cuts out areas in between it's little flaps to make it easier to fold. Pure origami doesn't use any form of cutting, as it is strictly folding of paper.

This is an example of a pure origami CD case, there's no cutting involved at all. I'd like to do something like this, maybe come up with my own origami design to suit my specific requirements. I think that's what will happen in the development stage. I'd of course have to make existing origami designs first to understand how they work in order to make a design of my own which can work for me. Will need to do calculations and ratios again to get a working design and to figure on which side can have graphic designs printed on them and how the graphics should be designed.

My second favourite was the book idea. Sections are cut inside a book which you can then put the CD in to. In my concept for this one I want to use old books to make the casing and paint the cover with my graphic designs on to. The example above uses the entire book in the design turning it into a visual story book with the CD art clearly being a part of the book. (jordan, 2011)

Here are my seven concepts.

has nothing to do with this project, more like personal interests. The onion; I love it. Looks like Taj Mahal to me. Very beautiful curves. Here's the folder's blog as well, which could teach me some things if I go with the origami idea, which I probably will because it's my favourite one. In their blog they teach you how to fold more complex origami models and explains the mathematics behind various structures in origami.


jordan. (2011). Chris Tarry Rest of the Story CD Packaging. Retrieved August 30, 2011, from http://jordannews101.blogspot.com/2011/04/chris-tarry-rest-of-story-cd-packaging.html

wewow ltd. (2010). wewow launch creative, eco-friendly CD/DVD packaging solution - WowSpiral. Retrieved August 30, 2011, from http://eco-cd-dvd-replication.typepad.com/wewow_industry_experts/2010/06/wewow-launch-creative-ecofriendly-cddvd-packaging-solution-wowspiral.html

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