Wednesday, June 8, 2011

In the City: Resin and time

In the morning when only Emile and I had arrived, we looked over the exhibition brief while waiting for Tom and Jenna. We realised how much work we still had to do and planned out clearly what needs to be done and sorted them out in order of priority.

The first thing on the list was to finish any fabrication related to the physical visualisation. That means building the box and finishing up the heads. Time was running out so we headed up to the 3D labs despite our other team members not being here yet. We can't afford to lose any more time, so we had to get up there and get the heads done as soon as possible.

While waiting for Andrew to teach us how to get the resin ready we smoothed out the heads and Jenna turned up right on time to resin the heads.

The resin mixture we mixed up was too runny. We didn't add enough of a particular powder to thicken the mixture so it ran all over the heads. Too runny. We stuck with that anway for the first coat to see if that would work out. So tomorrow we'll go back to the 3D labs to see if that'll be fine.

Started planning out the exhibition space as well with Emile. This is the idea that we came up with. We have the title, conceptual statement, and images of final product on the wall. In the middle we have the physical visualisation placed on a cylinder and the arcs in the diagram are suspended still images of the developments in our project hung down from the ceiling-- CAD drawings, CAD renders, and so on in chronological order.

Suspending them would be hard, but we're really keen to do it because we want something dynamic that's not just paper stuck to a wall.

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