Wednesday, June 1, 2011

In the City: 3D Printed Buttons

A video, made by Emile, of our buttons being printed out

We went ahead with James' suggestion to get small buttons and make a button top for it to make it look like a giant button. I drew them up in CAD then we went up to the engineering block to 3D print them out at Olaf Diegel's place. 3D printing them was amazing! I loved watching the layers of plastic being layered on and gradually a 3D shape builds up. Before the lecture with Olaf Diegel I had no clue that this sort of thing existed so it was interesting for me and let my imagination run wild with various possibilities like printing out a full set of organs to solve organ donor shortage or even printing out new people entirely.

These are our Arduino parts for the project. At the moment we're thinking that we can use the servos to control these arms to move around in a body of water. Within the water there would be marbling paint so that the movements of the water current can be seen. The arms would move accordingly to the audio collected such as volume and frequency.

I also helped out with some soldering for some wires in parts of our circuitry. But there was a miscommunication so I made a mistake of soldering two wires to each plug when there's supposed to be two plugs for each pair of wires. Luckily the problem was easily fixed.

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