Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In the City: Exhibition crit

Today we had our huge exhibition critique. I get really nervous in critique sessions because I'm still not quite confident with talking to people yet. However, compared to previous critique sessions I've improved greatly. The critique wasn't as scary as I thought it would be, it was nice and casual with a comfortable atmosphere.

Our critique session was shared with other Tom's group. I love how they set up their wall as well. I love the hexagonal arrangement on the left of their wall and how it pops out. His group's work is another favourite of mine, right behind Chris Lee's group.

I saw Ben's group critique session for Star Trak as well because I was keeping an eye on their stuff while they were gone. I love their project as much as I love Chris Lee's. I think their project is beautiful because it gives the stars a voice as music. One of my hobbies is astronomy, so I'm not sure if I might be a bit biased on that. However, I think they did a fantastic job with fabrication and with the idea as well.

There were some flaws pointed out during the crit like how our resin heads physical visualisation was too literal and as a result did not allow for expansion of a concept or idea. I agree with that in the fact that it is a little too literal, and it's too separate to the on-screen visualisation as well. Overall, I think it was a good effort on our part. We worked really hard, even though we didn't get the exact result we wanted the experience in my opinion was a precious one that taught all of us a lot about the process of creating an idea and creating a project from that idea.

I'm already looking forward to gathering my next group together, but for now, let's relax and have a well-deserved holiday.

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