Sunday, June 12, 2011

In the City: Failure 100%

Today we went out to do more visualisations. Before doing that though Emile and Jenna spray-painted our project name "Radio Stranger" on to the laptop box to make it look less intimidating with the heads. I thought it looked fantastic. The heads were painted white too in an attempt to make them look less scary. However, when we took them out I can still hear Japanese and Chinese people saying that they looked very scary and creepy in their mother tongue when they walked past. The funniest one last night when we did Tom's one was a young Asian couple. The timidly asked what it was for, then slowly backed away, and sprinted across the road away from the scary heads.

The radios never worked today, which was a shame considering the huge amount of effort we all put into this entire project and every aspect of it. I wish it would work, but I know it won't because there is just so much interference out there. One thing I value from this experience though, is that we've been through enough crap and problems to form a really nice bond between all members. That I appreciate very much. I even feel tempted to keep this group forever, however, there are still some people I'd like to try out working with to find my perfect pair in collaboration. What I envy in some people is how they have a perfect partner in studio where both people are just so in sync with each other that when they work it's really amazing to see what they come up with.

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