Wednesday, June 1, 2011

In the City: Kinetic sculptures

My favourite is the BMW one. It's so smooth and graceful. Simple too if you ignore the system of motors. All of it is a metal ball on the end of a nylon string. Its grace shows the beauty of BMW cars and their swift, polished movement. For my project I think it would be worthwhile to apply that repeated simplicity by repeating a particular object for the visualisation's body. It would also be fantastic to add movement to the visualisation because it makes it more interesting and real. I think I've mentioned this before, but I like the idea of taking one simple component and then repeating it to create something bigger and more complex.

More inspiration on what to do for output as we're still struggling on that. Looked at various kinetic sculptures to see if we can get a physical output directly from the audio and using the servos to move objects.

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