Thursday, August 9, 2012

Vicious Cycle

We're in a stupid, vicious cycle and it feels like nothing will ever get anywhere. Ok, so last time we had the fire thing --> work through details after getting basic stuff --> oh this and that doesn't work --> scrap it all and start all over again.

Now that we have another basic idea with chasing a shadow (mentioned in previous blog), we're trying to plan out every single fucking little detail again. Suggested to repetitively look at a bajillion examples of games to see how they tell stories in games and somehow magically come up with something new. Oh yea? Well they're all pretty much the same! If you're gonna ask me to go look at some examples I'm gonna be cool with that, but if you tell me to look at examples so that I can copy how they do it exactly and somehow call that new then go away. LEAVE. Everything's been done before and you know it! Don't lie to me. But that doesn't mean we can't take something similar and use it in a different way. Then it's like "Oh now we can't get every little detail right now at the very beginning, oh it's not gonna work cos we didn't get everything right on the first go. Argh, we should just scrap everything since we can't get everything perfect right now. The tutors will say THIS! The tutors will say THAT! They'll say we're not EXPLORING storytelling enough!"

Oh yea, let's totally do that, it will definitely work. AND DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. Yep, I can see how we're intrepid explorers of storytelling in gaming when we HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING OR TRIED ANYTHING, JUST THINKING.

Yes, the tutors are useful and their advice is useful. But you know what? You don't have to do whatever they want you to do. If you did you'd have a shit project cos they all want you to do a different thing.

I'm just so frustrated and pissed off right now about how we're approaching this. So I said to my group to just DO IT. We have enough to get started, why the fuck are we worrying about all the miniscule details and trying to get everything right before we've even tried anything?

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