Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Story Construction: Cornered

Went over the story more today and found that the whole world without fire thing was totally screwing us over. It was as Maggie had predicted, there are many limitations in a world without fire. For example, you can't even have leather, any kind of light source that's not natural, extremely primitive conditions, very little technology if any. It wasn't working. Another thing we were trying to get around was the incentive to find the fire. Mere curiosity isn't a good enough reason we decided. I mean, let's think logically, if you were a kid and you hear about a story about some magic fire in a world where fire doesn't exist and everything outside would try to eat you, you probably won't have the sudden inspiration to go find the fire.

Even if we did the double world, real or not real world kind of thing it still wouldn't eliminate the limitations that the fire idea has. We've pushed ourselves into a corner.

After brainstorming with the group this is what we've got:

-It's still set in the Winter Wasteland
-We want people to make their own interpretations of the story so we can't define too many details, but here's the "story" in one sentence: You're chasing a shadow. You feel like you'd die if you don't
-The mood is dark and macabre. Weird stuff happens constantly and you can't tell whether it's real or not.
-Other than moving you can also pick things up, jump, shine light at things
-Some threats are real, some are fake. There are "things" after you that would slow you down so the shadow moves further away from you. The shadow does leave a little trail though that fades over time. You just gotta find it quick should the shadow be far ahead of you.

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