Friday, August 31, 2012

Still haven't written anything

Argh, been slack with blogs compared to my usual flow of one blog a day.

Mentioned many times previously, I still haven't found my motivation and I feel like I need to get away from the project and just let it rot for a while before I get back into it.

Summary: In making a game so many aspects of it are tied together (such as mechanics, visual style, and what it's actually about) that any kind of indecision will set fire to your work and destroy it. My god. That's pretty much what happened. Indecision straight from the start, decisions being made and unmade, conflicting opinions on what we should do--ARGH

We still don't have a defined visual style. We still don't have a core story that ties everything together.

I'll just write whatever I want and make it related to the basics of what we have now.

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