Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Still need to write the main storyline in regular written story format. We have the backstory for most of the characters and things that go on but I don't actually know what goes on in the main storyline during the duration of the game. I don't know what to do about that because every time we get to a decision, then I get clear on what I have to do. BAM!! Something happens and suddenly something about the decision changes. Then I don't know what to do because it feels like once something appears definite it just magically becomes just another decision to make rather than something that's solidly decided. If all the fundamental decisions keep changing then I don't know what the heck I'm doing with the story because I don't want to write a full story only to find that none of what I wrote is of any relevance. I would write many different ones, but only if the fundamental things are solidly decided. Because if I don't know the basics of what we want in the story I won't have a guide as to what could happen in the story.

For example, let's say you tell me to write a story but you don't tell me about anything that I must have in the story to work with what you're doing. Let's say you want to have some crazy story but you forgot to specify that what you really want is a story that has robot unicorns and narwhals in it. Except the idea was never solidly decided with a gazillion other ideas and decisions being tossed around. Then I write a story about flying hotdogs that squirt rainbows and other delicious condiments. Spot the difference.

If what I write doesn't fit any of the basic things you need it's not going to work.

Because there are so many things flying around and not being decided solidly I don't know what the hell I'm doing. In addition, literally every time we get something decided it always becomes UNdecided. It's always, "Let's do this and that." "Oh gosh, we can't because we're not exploring enough." Ok, exploring means trying different things and finding something out. Storytelling means sticking to a certain path and progressing along to find out what's at the end. If we do a story and we decide on something and stick to it, is that really exploring?

Argh, so little being solid just doesn't motivate me because I have no direction as to what I'm doing. And in all honesty I've been blatantly procrastinating on writing because I have no idea what I'm doing. Mark me down all you want, I'm not shy about admitting my failures, confusion, and other unfavourable conditions.

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