Friday, September 2, 2011

CD Packaging: Crit session

The crit session went quite well. I'm set on the right track to finish over the break. Now, it will be focused on getting down my crease pattern.

A modification that was suggested to me by Nick Burridge, our lecturer for this particular project, is modifying a standard tato box so that it can open on both sides with the CD lodged in a small compartment in the middle. This gives you a proper double-sided finger trap. I like it because it's fun and devious, which means now you have to struggle for a few minutes to reach your CD. In relation to sustainability, this turns the CD in to a great toy even after it doesn't store CDs anymore, and it shows how humans trying to manage their resources for sustainability is a long, hard road. However, with perseverance and iron willpower I think people can do anything.

Note that I won't set on doing that yet, as I still need to consider other possibilities of modifications first before fully settling on one development to turn in to a final.

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