Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Project pitches

Alright, throughout the holidays we've had multiple discussions on what we want to do for the next semester. We didn't have anything solid until yesterday.

We talked with Maggie and she showed us an approach to getting something really solid. That's to think about what we actually want to do and what skills we want to develop for after we graduate this course. For me, I actually have no idea what I want to do after I graduate. It's actually kind of terrifying because I don't know what I want, but I do know that I'm on the right path. It's when you know that there's this destination and you know that you want to be there, but you don't know where it is, what that place is like and when you're gonna get there. Only thing you're sure of is that right now, you're on the right path to getting there.

I do like writing and making stories though. Ben and Tim want to get into making games but not sure what specific role they want. Edrian wants to do photography, have his own studio--go in an artistic direction. With these all in mind, we came to the conclusion that making a game would be good for all of us. So that's pretty much what we're planning to do.

We want to create a game with unique storytelling elements and change the way games are played. In a lot of games you simply do what the game tells you to do and basically that's it. Nothing new there, just doing what you're told. For me this doesn't really take me in to the story. From my perspective, it should be like playing in a movie or a book, except it's in the format of a game if you get what I mean. I want to feel an emotion from a game. Make me feel wrong, horrible, afraid, relieved, happy, a sense of achievement. Make me think. Obviously, it should be fun and enjoyable as well. I find plenty of movies and books can make me feel and think, but when it comes to games I haven't found that effect yet. I haven't been moved to tears, I haven't felt compelled to know how the game ends due to burning curiosity. Maybe I haven't played enough games or maybe I'm playing all the wrong games, but I'd like that effect to happen in the game we want to make.

We talked to Andy about it and made little adjustments. After that we filled out a draft form.

Showed it to Daniel this morning to see if he would sign us off. However, he believes that what we're doing is impossible for the time frame and the idea of games as a way of telling a story is something that everyone's been wanting to do for years but hasn't really happened yet. To be honest I'm going to ignore that. We were told that this is the time to make a risk and really mess up trying to do what we're interested in, something that we haven't tried before. I view this as an opportunity to do that. Who knows, we might churn out something amazing.

Hopefully we can convince Andy and one other to sign us off tomorrow. I'm itching to make a story for this out of my crazy, vivid dreams. You'll hear more of this tomorrow. I've got quite a few settings down that we can try out to place our story. I've already cut down on some that I don't think are suitable though. Will show the suitable ones to group tomorrow.

Also, Nick has joined the group. I fully welcome him in our group. I know that he's a very hard worker and he's really good at anything he puts his mind to. He gets along well with everyone in the group too, so I don't think we'll run into a lot of problems in that respect. Only thing left is seeing how the way he works can fit in with ours.

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