Friday, July 27, 2012

Concept Art for Environments and Characters

Did a bit of concept art. I did one environment of the mountains in the Winter Wasteland and four characters that are unrelated to each other. The characters are just ideas at the moment, don't know if they'll actually be used.

The mountains were based on what I think the mountains in the Winter Wasteland would look like. I imagine they'd be tall and covered in crags and precarious precipices.

As for the characters I was inspired by Bastion, Adventure Time, Journey and the Tuareg tribe.

From top to bottom, left to right:

The Child: Has fur hat and fur cloak--both made from various beasts of the Winter Wasteland. Also has super poofy pants. The Child is innocent and naive, doesn't know much about the world and oblivious to the dangers around him/her.

The poofy pants were inspired by the Ura in Bastion.

Bunny Boy: Another child. He lives in the underground jungle beneath the Winter Wasteland. Wears animal hat and salad leaves, like most other children of his people. He has never seen the Upperworld before so is not aware of the Winter Wasteland. He hears stories about it and wanders up there while unsupervised. He's super curious. The style for Bunny Boy was inspired by the art style used in the Adventure Time cartoon series.

The Moth: Specialised soldier in the Winter Wasteland for fast, unexpected kills. The special helment prevents your breath from being seen by condensing it back into water and keeps the heat in. This one had no specific influences, but I drew this one to have more of an Arabic feel to it and continued on with the poofy pants fashion.

The Noble: A noble lady living in the wealthier region of the Winter Wasteland where most of the resources are hoarded and distributed among its wealthy citizens. This one had strong influences from Journey and the head scarves of Tuareg women.

In terms of gameplay I really like the gameplay in the game Limbo. The art style we're going for is leaning towards Limbo as well but with splashes of colour here and there to make a contrast to the monochromatic colour scheme.

Here's a video of Limbo at the beginning:

As you can see a lot of it is trial an error and you need to think about how to get out of a mess all the time so it's not just a mindless hack and slash where you do the same thing over and over without much thought.



TobyGames. (2012, February 10). Let's Play Limbo - I'M DEAD - Part 1 [Video file]. Retrieved July 27, 2012, from

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