Thursday, July 19, 2012

More ideas

Not much happened today, just getting presentation for project pitch ready for tomorrow.

Got some more ideas in terms of the setting of the story though.

The Winter Wasteland has a lot of similarities to the deep sea environment. Both are cold and eternally dark. Both are rather harsh environments for living things.

In the Winter Wasteland we understand that humanoid inhabitants are struggling to survive, but what about certain tough plants and animals? It's highly probably that there are survivors and they would have changed and adapted over time to live in the environment. Just like the creatures in the deep sea. So maybe in the Winter Wasteland there could be carnivorous plants (generally they live in extremely nutrient poor soil), bioluminescent plants and animals like in the deep sea and so on. Also, the stars could be like the marine snow that falls down to the deep sea. The stars could fall/drift down every once in a while and the character can collect these to use as a safe light source, since fire would attract enemies. However, over time the fallen stars would disintegrate and become nothing more than greyish white dust.

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