Friday, July 20, 2012

Project Nominations

Heard some really interesting project pitches from the class today. The one that interested me the most, other than my own groups project of course, is Jenny's pitch. Her one is about making good use of a space and portable homes that can morph in to the space that you need.

I really like the idea of that and it works so well with the idea of sustainable living. For me, I always wanted an underground house. They're pretty well insulated, they could be really strong structurally if you design them properly. The ground reinforces the strength I think. Also, since it's underground it stops me from getting burned by the sun, which is a problem for me as I burn easily. I think it could be interesting to experiment with different shapes to use in making portable homes though. For example, hexagons and triangles. They're so strong and save a lot of material. I think it could be possible to use those shapes to make a portable house that could morph.

For my own group's pitch we got some interest from a few people. It might be nice to have just a few more people. This would make the work load easier to handle, but people would be more difficult to co-ordinate and make group decisions. Overall though, I think it would be a good idea to add in a few more.

I'm a bit worried about my role though. I'm worried that I won't have enough to do because I only have experience with art-making and making stories. I could organise time and people, but other than that I don't know what my role would turn into after we've got the story down.

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