Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Presentation Prep

Talk about how group has planned to present final presentation and your role in the presentation.

For the final presentation we're planning on doing something similar to last semester. Last semester our presentation was set in a post-electric world where our documentation was written in the form of a fictional character's diary. We found that this approach tied everything together quite nicely.

This semester we're going to take a bit of the game out into the presentation space. In the opening cutscene we've got a young boy in his bedroom. We're going to replicate certain aspects of that in the space. It will feel like a bedroom. The screen mounted on the wall would be framed by curtains and links to the window of the bedroom. It would be the window to our game. The artwork would be around the walls and the showreel will also precede the game.

Documentation and research will be compiled into small booklets. This is to explain what's going on in the game, why we did it that way, what it means, and so on. This part is what I'm in charge of. I'll be doing the writing and compiling of research. I'll be making the book as well. Here are some quick mock ups.

 I decided on accordion binding. It's fast, very easy to make. It's also a good option if you're not going to have a really thick book. It's also something that a child might have in their room too since making accordion books was something that you did back in primary. At least, in my primary anyway.

The black one has pockets that would hold cards in each pocket. On one side of the card would be parts of the game world map. On the other side would be details, the method of storytelling done in that area, why that method, pros and cons, etc etc. So you can take out the cards and put them together into one map. Problems with this: Having the written material on the cards restricts the room I have to put the writing on. Also, even though the idea of it being a mini puzzle might be a nice touch, it isn't entirely necessary. It does link to the part in the game where the boy puts together torn pieces of paper that makes a train ticket though. With the pockets, gluing the pages together is more difficult and leads to a lopsided look.

The second one doesn't have pockets but the pages are glued together differently. This one was sturdier and less lopsided.

I won't be writing the research and documentation in a really formal essay format. Because that would stick out from the rest of the project. It would be written in a style that fits the game while still being clear in what we're trying to say.

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