Thursday, June 13, 2013

Key Theme and Animation Content

The story of the project is how, as a group, we struggled to find unity. Or at least a thread that connects each part of the project together. As actual people, it was trouble in finding something that connect our ideas, ways of thinking, and visions into one.

This aspect has dominated the project throughout this semester. Manifesting itself as conflicting opinions, difficulty in translating ideas into someone else's way of thinking, and sluggish, ineffective decision making. So naturally, in the content for animation this is what the story is about.

Now that we have a theme, we had to create symbols and imagery to represent how we feel about this semester. This is for the animation. First thing we did was summarising how the semester was for us in one word. Jenny's word was lost. This described her experience of the semester where she has an idea of what she wanted to do, but didn't know where to begin. Edrian's was confusion. His one is similar to Jenny's in that he could see and had a vision of what he wanted to achieve. However, he didn't know how to make it happen. My word was trapped. I knew how to do what I wanted to do, but I didn't have a vision of how it fits into everything else.

We also pointed out key traits that make us different to each other along with some similarities that made us become a group at the very beginning. This included our ways of thinking, personality, and work habits. Then they were all summarised into one package for easier understanding: animals.

Jenny's personality is personified as a bear. She has a dominant personality and is very opinionated. Also very assertive and sometimes stubborn. Has big dreams and enjoys eating.

Edrian identified most as a dog. He is very friendly and loyal to friends. Questions a lot; is curious. Also good at talking to people and making them feel comfortable. Style of thinking of strongly visual.

My animal is a cat. I'm independent and introverted, preferring to go off and do things on my own. More inclined to be experimental; is curious as well. I switch hobbies often.

With the theme sorted out and a starting point for inspiration in imagery we have enough to brainstorm on things going in the animation. At this stage we left it to Edrian to work on this aspect. I think it will go great because this is where he will be in his element. 

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