Friday, June 14, 2013


Sorted out gears with Jenny. At first there were problems with timing and it didn't look like anything was happening. At least, not fast enough to meet the deadline. I began to wonder if the gears were actually that crucial. Does it add more to what we want to say about the project? The fact that it's a gear isn't important. It's the physical element in a gear that makes it relevant to what we're doing. So I'd say it doesn't necessarily add more, but it reinforces what we're aiming for in terms of a very physical interaction as opposed to a digital one.

We went through a long list of different gears that we thought might work. But the thing is they don't work. Either because the teeth don't make sense or the gear doesn't change direction. Below are drawings of all the failed ones. It's rather messy, but you get the idea.

In the end the set of gears that do work for what we want is the same as those found in eggbeaters.

Now that that's sorted we'll leave it up to Jenny to get that bit done and add any more developments.

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