Friday, July 22, 2011

Field Recordings: Presentation Day

Mundane Monday is the title of our final composition. You can click on the link there to listen to it on SoundCloud. I think for a first try it's reasonably good. I'm not 100% satisfied with it though for some reason, but that might be because I'm never really satisfied with anything. Overall, it was a good effort and there could be more development and improvements in the process of making it and the final composition itself.

Listening to other groups' compositions some really stood out to me. My favourite was Jared's group's one, which was the very first one. I really hated it to be honest, but in a good way. Hopefully that makes sense. I hated it because it was a horrible sound and it sounded like I was drowning. Especially with the lights turned off it disorientated me even more in combination with the sweeping effect of the stereos set to 180. Being deprived of sight and hearing all these sounds is really scary, because I'm strongly visual as well. It was fantastic though because it provoked such a strong reaction in me, which is why I hate it in a good way.

Nick's group's one was lovely too. My favourite part is when you hear the nails being dropped making a nice twinkly sound.

Sam J's group's was quite calming and was quite different from other groups' compositions because it was more subtle with a great crescendo with high pitched squeaks accenting that sound of calmness going on in the background. The shrill sound of the squeaks kind of hurt my ears as they got louder and louder, quite distressing as well because you wonder when they would stop. The contrast in my view with the calm background is lovely.

These three compositions were the best for me because of their effect on feelings and hearing some of my favourite sounds in them. One sound that I'd like to hear some time is glass breaking. I love the sound of breaking glass.

For this field recordings mini-project for sound my main contributions to the group were assembling the group at the beginning, organising the group, and time management throughout the week on what needs to be done each day in time for hand-in at the end of the week.

Shared contributions between members were of course doing the recordings and putting the recordings together. We took turns recording so that everybody had a chance to record sounds that they liked. For me I recorded some tapping and scraping sounds on various surfaces, some while we were walking down Queen Street and one with rotating the mic constantly to get a sweeping effect while walking down the street. After all recordings were done I listened to every recording to name all the files so that we would remember what each one sounded like from the name, which would make putting them together a lot easier and faster.

For putting the recordings together I was not sure what to do for it to be honest, so I let my other team mates who had a better idea on how to put them together take charge in that aspect of the process. My role in putting it together was listening to what my team mates had put together and deciding which parts were fine and which parts I thought were horrible, adding in recordings I think would fit in, and rearranging the recordings already there when necessary.


A little apprehensive about circuit bending next week. Mainly because I'm not very confident with circuitry. However, I'm going to try my best and do the best I can. As always time will be managed meticulously for optimum working time and room for optimum length of time to sleep of course.

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