Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Back from Holidays

Had a group discussion about how we're going to pull this game through. We've all gone off and done our own part, but nothing we're doing feels like it's fitting together as a whole. So we've got all these separate parts that don't quite fit together cohesively.

I feel like that especially with writing. I feel apprehensive about writing anything for this game because I know that whatever I write won't be used. AT ALL. Because every time I do write something there's always this massive debate about this bit and that bit. Oh what's happening over here? Take this out, take that out. This should be like this, this should be happening over here. If it's going to be like that why write anything at all? Wouldn't it be wasting my time if everything I do is for nothing? It doesn't make sense to write anything if it's not going to be used in the first place.

I've told my group this, so today we planned out what's happening at each point so there's no stupid debate about what's happening where.

So now we've got that out of the way we're now far clearer with what we're doing and how everything fits than ever before.

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