Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Networks: More Storyboarding

Storyboarding went a long way today. Last night when I started it I had bits of Edrian's ideas of what he thinks would look good for shots in the storyboard and incorporated my own idea of a great sequence of shots in there too. It was a bit confusing because everybody had a different idea of how events should be ordered in the storyboard. Also, I found that sometimes I didn't know what to put in the story board because I didn't have the script.

So this morning I had help from Ben, who's really on to it and is really clear on what he wants and how he wants the events ordered. It's that clarity that I need to understand how to draw up the storyboard. I made him in charge of writing up the script after that since he seems to know what he's doing in terms of the order of events.

He showed the group a documentary called Man on Wire (Chinn & Marsh, 2008). Stylistically speaking it's a gorgeous film with captivating shots. This really appealed to Edrian, it fits with the look he's going for with our film. What really helped me out by watching it is how the story within the documentary unfolds through the way the interviews are filmed.

During the interviews you have the interviewees against a simple background and while they're talking the shot cuts back and forth between the interview and re-enactments of past events that they're talking about. Thus, the interviews take up the bulk of the documentary. I agree with Ben's idea on structuring the storyboard like this in that I feel it is very effective is revealing the story in a way that is not overly serious and has a more cinematic feel to it.

At the moment I've got around two thirds of the story board done. I'll have to wait for the rest of the script in order to do the rest of the storyboard. The good thing is I've got a lot of shots down and we're ready to film at least a portion of the full film tomorrow at Edrian's place.

I think once we get something filmed our group motivation will go up. This is because once you begin filming the product is so tangible and it would feel like we've made a huge step in our project. I'm really looking forward to editing the film as well, because I really love editing.


Reference List

Chinn, S. (Producer), & Marsh, J. (Director). (2008). Man on Wire [Motion picture]. United Kingdom: Icon Productions

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